Thursday, June 24, 2010

Tuesday June 15th we received our gift bags full of cool goodies and free hats and t-shirts. We went and checked out an Auto Electric Shop in town. Then over to Colorado T shirt to give the owners a picture of the car parked in front of their store, they were very surprised. When we got back to the Hotel we visited and met lots of great people that were very interested in hearing about my car and wanting one of my cards.
Monday June 14th when registration opened up this afternoon Papa and I took cookies to the registration people. Papa said, “I’m not sure who is the bigger hit, Hunter or the cookies.” I handed out a lot more card with my blog on it and became a member of the National TBucket Association.
Sunday June 13th woke up to very cold and wet morning. It was so COLD our toes and fingers were numb. I took a little nap on Papa’s warm shoulder. As we headed over the mountains in Aspen, CO we hit snow, BBRRRRR!! We arrived in Colorado Springs, CO about 4pm looking forward to registering for the TBucket Nationals. We caught up with our good friends Charles and Lavelle from Texas. We also visited with John and his buddies, two BIG dogs. I handed out business cards and met lots of great people.
Saturday June 12th we headed out to the Bonneville Salt Flats in Wendover, UT. We took pictures at the sign and bagged up a little salt. On our way to Provo, UT we hit COLD weather with heavy winds and rain. We ended our day in Green River, UT.

I am so sorry it has taken so long to get this post up, but here is a little update on all the fun.
Friday June 11th at 7am we headed out on our journey to Colorado. Our first stop was New Castle, CA to one of our vendors, Component Parts, to drop off cookies and some parts to be matched up. The weather was great. We headed over the mountain for Sparks, NV, on our way over the mountain we had to pull over and bundle back up as we drove past snow on the side of the road and snow flurries. COLD! Next stop Sparks, NV to drop off more cookies to another supplier, Auto Truck Electric. We stopped for the night in Elko, NV. We didn’t take many pictures as we drove through Nevada since there wasn’t anything to photograph!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

We arrived in Colorado Springs for the T-Bucket National. There are already 70 cars registered.